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KITAGAWA Gas Detector Tube
Mechanism For KITAGAWA Gas Detector Tube System

The KITAGAWA Gas Detector Tube System is a complete sampling and analysis system for determining hazardous gas and vapour concentrations quickly and easily. The KITAGAWA Gas Detector Tube System is comprised of an Air Sampling Pump and Precision Gas Detector Tubes.

The KITAGAWA air sampling pump reproducibly draws 100mL of sample air through the detector tube. All detector tubes are calibrated for a single pump stroke; there is no need for multiple volumes or stroke counters.

Each detector tube is formulated with high purity reagents that absorb and react with the target gas or vapour being measured. A colorimetric stain is created that is proportional in length to the concentration. For most tubes, the concentration is read directly off the measurement scale on each tube.

Gas Detector Tube Search
How To Use The KITAGAWA Gas Detector Tube System
KITAGAWA Gas Detector Tube System
Model Features
AP-20 SERIES Gas Aspirating Pumps
AP-20CT Gas Aspirating Pump with Counter Unit
SH-5N / SH-10N Rubber Extension Hoses(5 and 10 metres)
SH-20N / SH-20C Rubber Extension Hoses(20 metres)
SF-40 Hot Air Probe
SFH-01 Hot Air Probe Holder
SR-200R Extension Sampling Rod
SPG-1 Sampling Probe for Gases in Soil
BORING BAR Boring Bar for Sampling Probe for Gases in Soil
P-10FG Flue Gas Sampler
P-41R Compressed Breathing Air Sampling System
P-50/UFO-II H Toxic Gas Measurement Set for Disaster Relief
H2S-1/H2S-2 Calibration Gas Set for Hydrogen Sulphide
DETECTOR TUBES Detector Tubes for Working Environment Measurement
Dissolved Substances Detecting in Solution
Model Features
P-20/P-24AP Simple Measurement Set for Chlorocarbons in Drainage
DETECTOR TUBES Detector Tubes for Dissolved Substances in Solution
Air Sampling pumps
Model Feactures
ASP-1200 Air Sampling Pump
ASP-6000 Air Sampling Pump
TWP-1 Air Sampling Pump
HIGH SENSITIVITY TUBES Detector Tubes used with Air Sampling Pumps
Collection Tubes
Model Features
800B Charcoal Tube
801 Silica-Gel Tube
815H DNPH-Treated Silica Gel Sorbent Cartridge Type
NeedlEx NeedlEx
Air Flow Indicators
Model Features
AS-1 Air Flow Indicator
AS-2 Air Flow Indicator(for continuous monitoring)
AS-3 Air Flow Indicator(for remote monitoring)
301 Air Flow Indicator Tube
SG-1 Smoke Generator